Car Hero is a roadside assistance app that provides quick assistance to the user in a time of need. The app utilizes satellite connectivity to avoid service interruption in desperate situations and links users to servicers across multiple specialties for a variety of solutions​​​​​​​.​​​​​​​
The Problem  When you get a flat tire, experience engine failure or get into an accident, the last thing you want to worry about is not being able to get help. Many people get caught in the middle of nowhere is almost guaranteed to give you a "call failed" or "no signal" message. Its not just irritating but its also dangerous.

The Solution-  The goal is to create an app that uses satellite connectivity to avoid service interruption event in the most out of reach areas. The app can call someone from your contacts, or you can report the problem and connect with a servicer who can use your location to get to you. Have the necessary equipment and prefer to do it yourself? The app also has "Do It Yourself" video tutorials on how to resolve / repair the issue.​​​​​​​
Safelite AutoGlass is another company that offers roadside assistance.

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